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Saint Hunna

Saint Hunna lived in the area of Modern day France, specifically the town of Strasbourg. She was the daughter of an influential duke and married Huno of Hunnawetyer. Saint Hunna devoted much of her time in doing the washing for her poor, sick and needy neighbors in the town, so much so that she soon became known in the region as "The Holy Washerwoman". This service of doing the laundry meant she often crossed over social and economic boundaries in total service to the Gospel to help whoever was needed with their laundry.

Her son, Deodatus, would go on later in his life to serve the Lord as a monk and was too formally canonized a saint after his death. Saint Hunna died in 379 AD of natural causes and was buried in the city. Her relics were relocated and placed on display in 1520 but were destroyed during the Reformation. Pope Leo X formally canonized her in 1520.

Today Saint Hunna, the Holy Washerwoman, is considered the Patron Saint of laundresses, laundry workers and washerwomen. Her example of serving the poor and needy lives on as a example of living the Gospel in our every day lives. Her feast day is celebrated on April 15th.

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