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About Us

“The final mark of a saint is not perfection, but lived virtue. It is the striving for holiness throughout the arc of a life that makes a saint.”
― Raymond Arroyo, Mother Angelica Her Grand Silence: The Last Years and Living Legacy

The Path to Sainthood is a website dedicated to showing and describing the exemplary life of Saints recognized by the Catholic Church and bring to the forefront lessons and ideas to assist you in your own personal path to achieving sainthood.

It is through the life of each Saint that we are able to see what the kingdom of God asks of us, and shows us lives truly transformed.

It is through the martyrs that we may be ready at any moment to follow in the example of our Lord and lay our very lives down for others and for our God.

It is through the beauty of our Church that we may see God's beauty here on Earth.

Our community and website's proceeds directly fund local missions through our Parish.



Hello there! I was raised Christian - first baptist, then Methodist, then non-denominational and now Catholic. Throughout my entire life I've had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that I never understood and frequently annoyed most people around me. 

Shortly after marrying the love of my life, I began to get much, much more serious about my relationship to Christ. A path of nearly 5 years of unstopped research and reading has lead me to the Catholic church where I'll soon be starting the RCIA process. That thirst for knowledge I never understood now has it's proper home in place - learning more about Christ and his church. 

I started this website as an outlet for some of that knowledge, a way to bring it to others. While often focused on Catholic Saints and Martyrs, I hope everyone will recognize in their lives the fundamental principles we are called to live by from Christ our Lord. 


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